
Everything worth saying is worth saying on the butt of your car.  I would sell these things (yeah, that will accelerate the retirement date by about a nanosecond) but a) at my tax bracket, I would get to keep half of it anyway, so b) I’ve gone John Galt on it.  So help yourself.  Print onto blank bumper sticker paper that you can get at Amazon.  (Great.  They get to make money.)


Come on! Forget honking. You know this is what you really want to say.


1 comment so far

  1. […] Added Bumper Stickers Page By way2opinionated Everything worth saying is worth saying on the butt of your car. I would sell these things (yeah, that will accelerate the retirement date by about a nanosecond) but a) at my tax bracket, I would get to keep half of it anyway, so b) I’ve gone John Galt on it. Or to channel that great ’60s revolutionary icon Abby Hoffman…Steal These Bumper Stickers! […]

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