Archive for June, 2010|Monthly archive page

Updated: Sorry, Sarah

As a died in the wool Palin supporter, it grieves me to do this. But I don’t want her misstatement to go unanswered.

In the video at the bottom of this Hot Air article, she describes Obama as “America’s CEO”.


Obama is the chief executive of the executive branch of the federal government. Implying that he is “America’s CEO” implies that we all work for him. We do not.

I have no doubt that Obama would agree with her statement and the implications associated with it. Obama came into office thinking he was ascending to the throne of King of the United States. That His Will Be Done. This is why he He gets so piqued when people don’t do as he commands. That’s why he He feels no need to tolerate criticism from the plebes. That’s why he He swoons and bows at the feet of dictators and autocrats. He wants to be one of them. He wants to join the club.

A petty government functionary at the Department of Agriculture works for Obama. The Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff works for Obama. The Governor of Missouri does not work for Obama. The County Executive of St. Louis County doesn’t work for Obama. I don’t work for Obama. Ninety five plus percent of the United States does not work for Obama.

A small government conservative should know better.

Update: I was accused of being too hard on Sarah, but there are so many people who do think we exist to serve His Imperial Majesty, including His Imperial Majesty Himself, she shouldn’t be feeding their delusions.

How many industries have the unions destroyed?

This is a naked attempt to provoke comments.

My take:

1.  The Steel industry

2.  Maritime industry – Without the protectionism of the Jones Act, there would be no commercial vessels sailing under US flags bigger than mom and pop fishing boats.

Fighting gravity

I started the following post back in December ’08.

This is a naked attempt to provoke comments.

My take:

1.  The Steel industry

2.  Maritime industry – Without the protectionism of the Jones Act, there would be no commercial vessels sailing under US flags bigger than mom and pop fishing boats.

Didn’t get very far with my list.  But even if I had, I would have had a new one to add now:

n. Government

The unions destroy with their excesses.  They do not have to deal with the consequences of their actions even though they suffer from them.  The Steelworkers Union cost the industry 85% of its employment through the unions efforts to, get this, preserve jobs.  Yet the Steelworkers never had to deal with shuttering the plants they drove out of business.  The common theme of the Rust Belt is the dominance of the big industrial unions in those states.  Between the unions and the Democratic sycophants they put in office they create business climates just a little friendlier to commerce than Stalinist Russia.

We may now be seeing, unfolding rather swiftly, the collapse or at least serious retrenchment of the government unions and the government by entitlement that they create for their own benefit.  The unions make demands without even the slightest intention of doing anything to earn them.  Quite the contrary, in addition to pushing for ever larger wages and benefits, they go out of their way to ensure that their membership has to provide even less value in return.  The Labor Mafia movement was created by and continues to be dominated by socialists and communists.  Their sense of entitlement knows no bounds.  Their understanding of economics and what it takes to provide for them is non-existent.

Economics is not a political philosophy.  The fundamental laws of economics, supply and demand, conservation of resources are not opinions.  They are in reality Laws of Nature, as fixed and immovable as the Laws of Gravity and the Conservation of Matter, Energy and Momentum.  This is why socialist states always fall.  They are fighting gravity.

Oh good grief

Since 17 November 2009 I’ve had a little over 2,000 hits on the site and 477 of them (a little over 20%) where for this.

What a thing to be known for.  And people wonder why my postings have gone down.
