A House Divided

Many people have heard of Lincoln’s ‘House Divided’ speech.  Most people don’t know where he was going with it.  The common understanding was predicting the division of the country.  Actually he specifically stated that, “…a house divided cannot long stand…” did not mean that the house would fall.  What he predicted was that that the house would have to resolve its difference and become either all free or all slave.  In 1865 it looked like the decision was made to make the country all free.  But the slave masters were allowed to persist.  Reconstruction.  Jim Crow.  Lynchings.  Segregation. The works…were all attempts of the slave masters to subdue the former slaves again.  Slowly, progress was made against the slave masters.

But in the early 20th Century, the wanna be slave masters found a new tool.  “Progressivism”.  For 100 years the “Progressives” have worked to impose their will on the country.  “Progressivism” has been described as, day one, the “Progressive” makes up their mind.  Day two, they make up your mind.

Looks like once again we are faced with a house divided between free and slave.  The slave masters are moving to make the country whole again, but this time all slave.  The issue is gun control and the “Progressive’s” move to disarm all of the country, except of course, themselves.

Why, you ask, does disarming the population imply that the slave masters are trying to make slaves of the American people.  It’s simple.  Free people are free to defend themselves and have the right to bear arms to affect that right.  Slaves are never allowed to arm or protect themselves.  Is the secret service going to give up guns when they protect the President?  Are Bloomberg’s armed guards going to give up the weapons for the cause?  It’s ever so interesting that the people who are the most vociferous about banning guns for the rest of us have no intention of disarming their own protectors.  It’s obvious who they think the masters will be.

2 comments so far

  1. big red on

    I think your post is great. Not sure though because about the unclear about the whole progressive/slave/master thing. I’m not sure that progressives aka liberals want to take everones gunns accept for their owns. If they don’t like guns than they won’t have any for themselves.

    • way2opinionated on

      Who said they don’t like guns? They don’t like guns in the hands of the serfs. They love guns in the hands of their bodyguards who protect them from those serfs. “Progressives” have been consistent for over a century. They make rules for other people. Not themselves. Remember that under the broad umbrella of “Progressivism” lies every socialist hellhole on Earth over that century. Again, “Progressivism” is always consistent. The “Workers Paradises” are paradises for the apparatchiks and Party bosses. Not so much for the rest of the population.

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