Archive for September 14th, 2009|Daily archive page

Contempt of Congress

The Pelosi-crats in the house are talking about passing a resolution condemning Rep. Joe Wilson’s outburst during Godbama’s Healthcare Sermon From the MountPodium.  If the Republicans had a pair, they would call for a resolution condemning Obama of contempt of congress (yeah, I know.  The irony in that term is almost beyond comprehension) for standing in front of both houses and spouting serial lies.

Wilson has decided to take a stand.  Let’s remember all the stink the Democrats raised about Bush saying something supported by virtually every intelligence agency on Earth.

OK, I’m going to start holding my breath now while I wait for the Fearless Republican Leadership to stand up and defend one of their own, and call out Obama for his endless deceptions.

O finds his place in the Democratic Party

The ‘O’-hole
O in donkey

Dear Democrats; What part of “NO” don’t you understand?

Some of us are on to your plan to take over the healthcare system.

We know it’s not about providing improved healthcare to the US people because you say it’s about saving money.  Reducing cost can only be done by denying services, aka, rationing.  The reason the United States spends as much as it does on healthcare is because WE WANT TO!  The people of the United States freely choose to spend gobs of money to get fixed when we break, get healed when we’re sick, get our teeth whitened, get boob jobs (Not me personally.  My manboobs are just fine the way they are.) and pretty much do whatever it takes to hold off the meeting with the man with the sickle.

We know it’s not health insurance reform.  The purpose of the healthcare reform is to drive the  private insurers out of business.  That will leave the federal government as the sole financier of the healthcare industry.  If you control all the money, it would pretty much give you total control of the industry.

We know that EVERY case you provide to justify this industry takeover is ultimately dishonest.  What “Healthcare Reform” is really about is the acquisition of power and the desire of the Left to control all things.