
What if Rick Perry and Sarah Palin are both on the primary ballot!?

Read an interesting article that said Sarah is biding her time.  There is no advantage to getting into the race early just so the Democratic propagandists in the press can feast on them at their leisure.  Conventional wisdom, i.e. the punditocracy and establishment political hacks, keep saying that candidates have to get in now if they are going to get in at all.  The punditocracy needs fodder for 24 hour sliming of republicans and the hacks need campaigns to justify their existence.  I don’t think Sarah gives a hoot what they think.

I’m also getting on the Rick Perry bandwagon.  Without Sarah, he’s my choice.  I’m not sure where some people came up with the idea that being a spineless, dickless, balless wonder makes someone presidential.  Washington?  Lincoln?  Teddy Roosevelt?  Reagan?  Heck, Clinton and Johnson didn’t meet that standard.  Eisenhower was quiet but I’ll bet no one thought he was a wimp.  I want a president who can win at high stakes poker.  (No one describes this leadership characteristic better than Bill Whittle at PajamasMedia (via Instapundit)  I want a president who will stand up for THIS country…not bow and scrape before foreign thugs and dictators.  I want a president who’s words don’t come with expiration dates.  I have no patience with mealy mouthed politicians…or compulsive liars.  A gun tot’n, coyote shoot’n, shoot from the hip experienced manager who ‘fesses up to mistakes and learns from them.

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