Archive for November 25th, 2009|Daily archive page

To Michael Crichton

For helping to hold the AGW opposition together through the long winter of AGW ascendancy.

This ClimateGates for you.

RIP now, buddy.

To bow, or not to bow

I look on the Obambi’s bowing not in terms of “Americans don’t bow!”, but “The idiot did it wrong!  What a cad!”

I don’t really have an aversion to bowing.  For years I practiced bowing while I studied Shotokan karate.  Try settling down on the left knee, then the right knee so that you are kneeling and sitting on your heels, toes facing back.  Begin bending forward sliding first your left hand forward and then your right.  The hands come together and the thumbs and forefingers make a triangle on the floor that you then place your forehead in.  Then you stay there until sensei acknowledges you.  Try that at about 350 lbs.  I have always been surprisingly flexible for my considerable bulk, but the knees did not take kindly to the hard floor.  Of all the things I did in karate, the formal bowing was the most painful.

The Court Jester in Chief Clown in Chief (Biden is the court jester) did an apology bow without explaining what he was apologizing for.  And then did it while shaking hands.  Don’t they teach any class at all in those ivy league schools?

Contrast that to Ambassador Mike Mansfield’s tear filled apology bow to the foreign minister while delivering a letter of apology for the sinking of a japanese freighter after it was rammed by the submarine USS George Washington.

Obama is like a country hick trying to pretend he has manners as he stumbles around the world looking for all the world like…like… Obama.

Mansfield = class.  Obama = classless.

Sometimes, doing nothing is better than doing it wrong.

It’s a simple solution

Powerline has an article about the courtmartialing of three Navy SEALS for abusing an Iraqi terrorist when he was captured.  He got a fat lip.  He…ya’ know…might have resisted capture.  Now they’re being courtmartialed.

OK guys and gals.  It’s real simple.  You can’t hold them.  You can’t ask them any questions.  If you oppress them and deny them anything you’re in trouble.  The liberals are telling you as plain and simply as they can…

…take no prisoners.

Killing the Goose

What brand of molasses are the Democrats using for brains these days?  They are working on a tax on financial transactions like stock trades, et al.  The name of it?

“Let Wall Street Pay for the Restoration of Main Street Act of 2009.”

What don’t the Democrats get?  Wall Street pays for Main Street.  Heck, Wall Street is Main Street.  Where do these morons think Main Street came from?  Main Street is paid for by the economic activity that is financed by Wall Street.  How long do you think it will take for them to figure out that if they kill Wall Street, Main Street becomes just another ghost town?

The juiciest irony?  They are going to use it to increase employment.  Yup.  You heard it here. The people who are going to take over the healthcare industry because you are too stupid to take care of yourself are going to increase employment by killing off the employers.