STOP IT! – Update


Kill the tax pork bill.  Kill the OmniPorkulus LVII bill.  JUST STOP SPENDING MONEY!

Update:  One out of two is far better than I expected.  The silver lining of extending Bush’s tax cuts is the Democrats just handed the Republicans the first campaign issue of 2012…extending them again.

Kill Lame Duck Session of Congress.  I’ve already said there is no reason the new Congress can’t be seated on November 15.  Once the election is held, the Congress no longer has the consent of the governed.  No laws should come out of a lame duck session.  They shouldn’t be allowed to spend our children’s money.  There shouldn’t be a lame duck session.  Like unlimited tenure, the existence of the lame duck feeds the corruption and abuses of Congress.  It gives the cowards and corruptocrats in Congress a way to avoid accountability by waiting until after the election to screw things up.

The Other McCain says there’s hope. Yeah.  That’s what they said before Obamacrap passed.

Are We Lumberjacks is disgusted.


Think they got the message?

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