Archive for December 14th, 2010|Daily archive page

STOP IT! – Update


Kill the tax pork bill.  Kill the OmniPorkulus LVII bill.  JUST STOP SPENDING MONEY!

Update:  One out of two is far better than I expected.  The silver lining of extending Bush’s tax cuts is the Democrats just handed the Republicans the first campaign issue of 2012…extending them again.

Kill Lame Duck Session of Congress.  I’ve already said there is no reason the new Congress can’t be seated on November 15.  Once the election is held, the Congress no longer has the consent of the governed.  No laws should come out of a lame duck session.  They shouldn’t be allowed to spend our children’s money.  There shouldn’t be a lame duck session.  Like unlimited tenure, the existence of the lame duck feeds the corruption and abuses of Congress.  It gives the cowards and corruptocrats in Congress a way to avoid accountability by waiting until after the election to screw things up.

The Other McCain says there’s hope. Yeah.  That’s what they said before Obamacrap passed.

Are We Lumberjacks is disgusted.


Think they got the message?

Right To Work, part Deux

Is it time to take on the labor mafias and put a Right To Work referendum before the public again?

I read a post once upon a time that pointed out that the Arsenal of Democracy during World War II consisted essentially of eight states located around the Great Lakes.  The amount of material that flowed out of the factories in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Wisconsin, New York, et al, literally blackened the skies with airplanes, bridged the oceans with steel and supplied not only the best equipped, best supplied army ever; but supplied much of the Allied forces as well.

Today, we call this area the rust belt.  The Heart of American industrialization in Michigan around Detroit is barely recognizable as part of the 1 st world.  Detroit may be the first major city since Carthage to return to barren ground.  What happened?

The Labor Mafias happened.  Now these areas were heavily unionized prior to WW II.  But the unions have over time been able to convert their organizations into political power out of proportion to their numbers.  The willingness to break a few knees (or at least the reputation to do so) didn’t hurt either.  The collusion of non-producing unions (the only thing union produce is political power for their own benefit) and their Democratic hangers on in political office has almost sucked the life out of the taxpaying class and brought the United States to its economic knees.

But even just looking at the short term economic impact, the reason that you hear that sucking sound in the Rust Belt of jobs going south is that south is where all the Right To Work states are.  The reason companies move isn’t just to go where there are incentives somewhere else.  They generally have huge investments in real estate and employees where they are and it costs a massive amount to move.  The incentives may give them reasons to go somewhere, but they’re only looking because of the union wolves driving them away from where they are.

Let’s make Missouri a business destination instead of an business desert.

Hyperbole alert

“Baghdad Bob” Gibbs dismissed the court finding that Obamacare is unconstitutional.


But Gateway Pundit calls it a “Stunner”.  I try to choke my way though Gateway Pundit.  Daily even.  But I sure do wish he would get over the over the top adjectives. On everything.  It’s only a stunner for people who aren’t paying attention.

Like the ones who think Clinton is still president.

Oh, wait